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Dites bonjour au nouveau support multilingue de ThriveDesk

En tant que chef d'entreprise, rien n'est plus proche de la satisfaction du client. Alors que l'internet s'est largement développé et a créé des espaces pour le commerce en ligne, pourquoi se limiter aux clients de notre région ou de notre pays ? Pourquoi ne pas s'étendre à l'ensemble du globe ?

Mais le plus grand obstacle à l'expansion d'une entreprise sur l'internet est la langue. Lorsque l'on est obsédé par le succès des clients comme nous le sommes, la fourniture d'expériences multilingues devient une préoccupation majeure, car nous avons des clients dans le monde entier.

Pour surmonter toutes ces barrières, nous introduisons le nouveau support multilingue de ThriveDesk et nous nous assurons que notre produit et notre site Web peuvent gérer de plus en plus de langues. 

L'importance de parler le langage de vos clients dans le service à la clientèle

Selon des études, 70% des clients sont plus fidèles aux entreprises qui offrent un service à la clientèle dans leur langue maternelle. Un autre rapport indique que 29% des entreprises ont perdu des clients parce qu'elles ne disposaient pas d'une aide multilingue.

Bien qu'il s'agisse de la langue la plus utilisée en ligne, seuls 25% de tous les internautes utilisent l'anglais. Sans compter que 22% des Américains ne parlent pas anglais à la maison.

Toute entreprise qui souhaite se développer à l'échelle internationale et s'assurer une part de marché importante auprès de ses clients cibles doit commencer à planifier la fourniture d'un service à la clientèle dans leur langue maternelle.

Les clients qui ne croient pas que de simples plaintes ou demandes concernant votre produit ou service peuvent être traitées en raison d'une barrière linguistique sont plus susceptibles d'aller voir ailleurs. Le support client multilingue permet d'atteindre des niveaux plus élevés de satisfaction de la clientèle.

En vous concentrant sur la langue, vous faites tomber les barrières entre votre entreprise et ses clients et atteignez un public plus large, ce qui vous permet d'avoir des conversations intéressantes avec vos clients, quelle que soit la façon dont ils se réfèrent à vos produits. 

S'il y a une barrière linguistique, cela peut faire la différence entre le succès et l'échec.

Major benefits of multilingual customer support

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The customer service experience is greatly improved when consumers interact with a representative in their local language. Positive interactions with customers can be amplified by providing support in their preferred language, which can help you gain credibility with the target audience.

We know our customers which leads us to learn more. With continuous surveys, here are some of our key findings about the benefits of multilingual customer support can get you, 

Sales will go up  

Around 75% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company if its website and product details are available in their language. The same is true for not providing customer assistance in the native language of your customers. 

According to another survey, 74% of consumers are more inclined to buy from the same brand again if the after-sales support is provided in their native language. Also, 29% of businesses say they’ve lost customers because they don’t offer multilingual support.

If you want to grow your business, you must increase sales— offering support in multiple languages is a key to doing so. Strong sales and a robust customer base are crucial to market success.

Gain access to a larger market

Approximately 90% of buyers do not even consider purchasing from an English website if they do not speak or understand English.

So, how do you tap cross-border markets and stimulate worldwide interest in your products or services? It should come as no surprise that you must communicate in their language.

And you’ll see that it’s completely worthwhile – studies have shown that companies offering multilingual customer service and language interpretation options receive favorable feedback from 70% of customers.

Increase brand loyalty and consumer trust

Communicating with someone in their native language fosters trust, which is vital at all phases of the purchasing cycle, including customer service.

When you provide multilingual customer support, you enhance brand loyalty because clients feel that someone will understand them and their needs. They’re also willing to wait longer for your response— 58% would be willing to wait longer if customer service was provided in their native language.

Additionally, you shouldn’t concentrate on a single sale to a consumer if you intend to be in business for the long run. Customers who know they will have an excellent experience in their native language are more inclined to return – again and again.

You can avoid misunderstandings

We usually contact customer service when we have an issue. Either the product or service is not performing as desired, or we cannot get the desired outcome. In both situations, we face uncertainty.

When things don’t go our way, it’s pretty easy to get upset in such frame of mind, and that’s when misunderstandings, angry emails, and yelling on the phone usually occur. To avoid this, it is preferable to connect with clients in their native language because:

  • They have more freedom to express themselves.
  • Important information won’t be lost in translation.
  • You can ease their fears of speaking another language.

You will gain a competitive advantage

The choice to buy is not always reasonable. Some buyers will choose a more expensive option—some will even pay top dollar—if it means receiving great service. Such outstanding customer service involves individualized assistance in their preferred language. 35% of end-users would even be willing to switch to one that offers support in their native language.

Providing multilingual service can also help your company stand out in crowded markets. It puts you in a position to draw in particular market segments, which you can better service because your team can communicate with them on an emotional level.

ThriveDesk Multilingual Support

So, what does ThriveDesk bring?

ThriveDesk multilingual support comes with a completely new translation of our website in four different languages: French, Spanish, German, and Portuguese.

We surveyed several multilingual SaaS websites and our own translated pages from a linguistic perspective. We’ve made the greatest possible translations of our site, portraying our ideals and merchandise in a kind and personable way.

Technically it is so simple but quite impactful at the same time. All you have to log in and change the language from the language setting option or we auto-detect the language and switch it for you.

Here is the process,

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click on the setting option in the bottom left corner
  3. Click on the Language option and select your preferred language

You are done!

multilingual support

Future multilingual plans

Aside from the website, we’re also working on wholly translated versions of our onboarding experience, including training videos, knowledge base articles, and customer support in all four languages of our product.

Tips to providing excellent multilingual support

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We believe the optimal multilingual strategy combines the best of human and automated help. Here are three tried-and-true methods for initiating the implementation of a fantastic multilingual support experience:

Empower your support team with translation tools

As your company grows and you begin to handle a significant number of foreign language communications,  you need a translation service that can automatically translate non-English interactions on your website, mobile app, or product which are better and more efficient than Google Translate. 

Online translation tools work as an add-on to standard translation sites, allowing contact centers to instantly translate forum posts, live chats, emails, website posts, and any other type of written content.

The add-on tools provide all the general vocabulary and jargon associated with the contact center and its industry. Because they are industry-specific, the tools can be pretty precise.

This allows advisers to conduct their daily work in their first language, answer written contacts in other languages using the tools, and, most crucially, eliminate the need to recruit expert advisors or utilize other more expensive means of dealing with bilingual customers.

One disadvantage of employing this technology at a contact center is that it can only be utilized to cover some channels, such as those that require voice, such as phone calls. As a result, if businesses want to properly apply this strategy in their contact centers, they will need to engage multilingual advisers.

Use chatbots to improve resolution times

Chatbots help your customer support team by answering frequent questions and resolving minor difficulties. It also boosts consumer satisfaction because they can get help and answers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Chatbots can also display the appropriate message based on a customer’s location or browser language. Chatbots can then diagnose their issues and route them to the proper team. Here lie the great benefits of having live chat and chatbot on your websites.

This procedure guarantees that clients are sent to the teams best suited to handle their inquiries. Furthermore, it prevents customers from being handed around and repeating their problems to each department.

Increase self-service support with an integrated, multilingual knowledge base

Developing a multilingual base de connaissances and other self-service platforms ensures that your clients and prospects have access to the information they require. They don’t need to wait for business hours or for your personnel to complete customer support tickets.

The benefits of customer self-service and support extend to your business too. Self-service, for one, is less expensive for your company than other live support options. Second, you may produce more leads and customers even after regular business hours because your website users can get the information they require whenever and wherever they are.

Furthermore, SEO-friendly knowledge bases can help you rank high in search results, making it easier for your target audience to find you. If you’re working with SEO services for small businesses, talk about having your knowledge base SEO-optimized as well.

A collection of adequately translated articles and FAQs can also help your team answer questions. When responding to emails or chat messages from clients, they can post links to these translated articles. This procedure ensures that your customers receive prompt resolutions and consistent responses.


Both buyers and sellers benefit from multilingual customer service. It empowers and excites non-native English customers while increasing sales and strengthening brand loyalty.

As your company grows, you must work hard to keep your competitive advantage. Continue to enhance your multilingual support and exceed your client’s expectations.

Language should not be an impediment to providing prompt, high-quality customer service. With the appropriate technologies, support employees can promptly assist clients worldwide – and ultimately drive more loyalty and happiness.

Logiciel de service client pour les personnes attentionnées, par des personnes attentionnées.
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