
Meilleures applications Shopify

Best Shopify Rewards Apps in 2024

Shopify rewards apps are third-party applications businesses can use to implement loyalty programs, referral programs, and other customer engagement strategies. These apps give businesses the tools to incentivize customers to shop more frequently, make larger purchases, and refer their friends and family.

Shopify rewards apps typically allow businesses to create custom rewards, track customer engagement, and analyze program performance. By using rewards apps, businesses can encourage customer loyalty, increase lifetime value, and generate more revenue over time. Some popular Shopify rewards apps include Smile.io, LoyaltyLion, and ReferralCandy, each offering unique features and benefits.

Overall, Shopify rewards apps can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve customer engagement and increase sales through effective loyalty programs and referral campaigns.

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10 Best Rewards Apps for Shopify

Let's take a look some of the Best Shopify Rewards Apps in 2024. You can click the links below to jump ahead to any plugin 👇
Webplanex: Cashback Rewards

Webplanex: Cashback Rewards

⛩ WebPlanex 🚦 4.8 (18)
💰 Gratuit | À partir de $9,99/mois

The Cashback Rewards app will boost your sales by encouraging client interaction with your business. Giving your customer an incentive to place an order repeatedly is a novel and effective strategy to win their business. Greater cashback incentives result in more orders and customer interaction. There are numerous ways that you might launch a cashback campaign for your devoted clients. If you require assistance, a team of professionals is available around-the-clock to assist you with any issues.

Loloyal: Loyalty and Referral

Loloyal: Loyalty and Referral

⛩ Channelwill 🚦 4.9 (878)
💰 Gratuit | $29/mois

Easy to customize your brand loyalty program with Loloyal. All features: Points, Rewards, Referral program, VIP Tiers, Limited-time offers (Flash Sale), etc. work seamlessly together to help build customer loyalty effectively. Shoppers can be motivated to earn points and redeem custom rewards: discounts, coupons, free shipping, and giveaways, ultimately driving conversion & Lifetime Value. Support data import from other apps like Smile.io, Loyaltylion, Rivo, Growave, Yotpo, Joy, BON.

Glow: Loyalty Points & Rewards

Glow: Loyalty Points & Rewards

⛩ Glow Loyalty 🚦 4.5 (93)
💰 Gratuit | A partir de $9/mois

With the help of Glow’s powerful points and rewards app, thousands of businesses are converting one-time buyers into lifelong customers! Glow integrates effortlessly with your store because it was created from the ground up to run only in the Shopify ecosystem. Even on the free plan, Glow offers all the capabilities you need to manage a profitable loyalty reward and referral program. You can quickly get set up and going with the help of our user-friendly setup wizard!

Smile: Loyalty & Rewards

Smile: Loyalty & Rewards

⛩ Smile.io 🚦 4.8 (4952)
💰 Gratuit | A partir de $49/mois

Smile.io powers loyalty, referral, and VIP rewards programs that help promote brand loyalty, increase sales and repeat business, and reduce acquisition costs. With Smile, program creation requires no code and simply takes a few minutes. With Smile, managing loyalty is simple and your favorite apps can be easily integrated. If you require assistance, a team of professionals is available around-the-clock to assist you with everything from technical issues to the best customer loyalty and rewards programs for your company.

Joy: Rewards, Loyalty Program

Joy: Rewards, Loyalty Program

⛩ Joy Loyalty 🚦 4.9 (797)
💰 Gratuit | $29/mois

Check out the impressive features of this software to see its power. – A robust and automatic rewards point system. Shop managers can set up earning and spending points quickly and effortlessly. – Redeeming condition and points expiration period – Client management: track rewards and points – Brand design customization: welcome popup, recommended, and loyalty popup – Referral program, promotional code, and commission scheme – Analytics for reports on loyalty campaigns Significantly, there is no coding necessary, and there is 24/7 assistance.

BON Loyalty Rewards Referrals

BON Loyalty Rewards Referrals

⛩ Smartify Apps 🚦 5 (986)
💰 Free | Start from $15/month

With the help of BON, cultivate and strengthen client loyalty. Establishing 18 ways & endless prizes for customers to earn & redeem points, while boosting their experience with VIP bonuses, will drive customer connection with your store. Also, customers are rewarded for referring friends. Unlike other applications, BON focuses on giving users a user-friendly experience and distinctive program branding with more default settings for you to customize your loyalty program.

Yotpo: Loyalty & Rewards

Yotpo: Loyalty & Rewards

⛩ Yotpo - L&R 🚦 4.7 (2449)
💰 Free | $199/month

Customer loyalty and retention are made simple with Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals. With no requirement for development, our agile loyalty platform enables you to launch rapidly and iterate indefinitely. With our 20+ unique campaigns, customers can accrue and redeem points, which ultimately encourages repeat business, raises LTV, and increases engagement. Make decisions that encourage client retention and long-lasting brand loyalty using our detailed statistics for loyalty and referral programs.

Poket Loyalty Rewards

Poket Loyalty Rewards

⛩ Poket Pte Ltd 🚦 5 (1)
💰 $49/month. 7-day free trial.

Poket Loyalty Rewards App’s potent incentives system enables you to increase sales from your current customer base. Your loyalty rewards are simple to start, set up, and maintain. By awarding points for actions like joining your loyalty program or completing a purchase, you can thank your customers. Engage them at each stage of their relationship with your brand. With the help of different marketing tools from Poket, you can effortlessly engage and keep your customers for more recurring business.

Loyalty, Rewards & Referrals

Loyalty, Rewards & Referrals

⛩ S Loyalty 🚦 4.6 (762)
💰 Gratuit | $19.99/mois

Learn why S Loyalty is used by other Shopify and Shopify Plus merchants to increase customer loyalty and shop revenues! S Loyalty provides incentives, individualized bonuses, and point-based marketing campaigns to give your consumers additional motivation to return. We make it simple to use your loyalty program to include customers with tailored promotions and prizes. Details like client exclusion or whether reward points are added after payment or purchase completion are also taken care of by us.

Loyalty, rewards & referrals

Loyalty, rewards & referrals

⛩ LoyaltyLion 🚦 4.6 (448)
💰 Free | Start from $159/month

Design a distinctive loyalty program that captures the essence of your brand. Provide loyalty points and prizes to promote participation, raise member spend, and motivate repeat purchases over the customer lifetime. Use reviews, recommendations, and other advocacy-based strategies to lower purchasing expenses. Establish an advocacy network to bring in new clients for your company. Integrate all of your preferred tools and technologies with your loyalty program. Check out the integrations we offer on our website.

Nous savons qu'il peut être difficile de choisir la bonne application Shopify. Voici les meilleures applications Shopify que nous avons trouvées au cours de nos recherches, et nous espérons sincèrement que l'une d'entre elles conviendra à votre boutique.

Si vous pensez qu'il existe une excellente application digne de figurer dans cette liste, envoyez un courriel à notre équipe à l'adresse suivante aide @ thrivedesk(dot)com. D'ici là, bonne croissance !

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