
Meilleures applications Shopify

Best Shopify POS Apps in 2024

Among 1.7 million independent Shopify users, you are one of the busy entrepreneurs running an eCommerce business with Shopify. And you know, finding the best POS apps for your Shopify store takes a lot of time. So, we went ahead and did all the hard work for you.

These Shopify POS apps allow you to sell your products in person. By using it, you can sell almost anywhere, including brick-and-mortar stores, markets, and pop-up shops.

We chose the best POS apps by looking at the rating in the app store, the number of reviews, the app’s best features, and other factors. We hope this information will help you find the best app for your store.

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Ce sont les meilleurs plugins que nous avons trouvés au cours de nos recherches, et nous pensons honnêtement que l'un d'entre eux est le bon pour votre boutique. Nous NE PAS ne perçoivent aucune commission et les commentaires ne sont jamais sponsorisés.

6 Best POS Apps for Shopify

Let's take a look some of the Best Shopify POS Apps in 2024. You can click the links below to jump ahead to any plugin 👇
Point of Sale

Point of Sale

⛩ Shopify 🚦 3.7 (286)
💰 Free | Start from $89/month

Point of Sale is one of the best Shopify POS apps that any business owner can use. With this software, merchants will be able to offer a unified shopping experience across all channels. One of the most popular and influential POS systems on the market has an easy-to-use interface and retail-ready hardware.

Also, both the Shopify POS Lite and Shopify POS Pro subscriptions have great transaction flexibility and new tools for customizing the system. This means that the POS system can fit most users’ businesses and work styles.



⛩ Shopify 🚦 3.5 (213)
💰 Gratuit

Shopify POS Pro subscribers can use Stocky to manage their inventory. Stocky helps you keep track of your inventory by keeping track of how much you have, estimating how much more you need, and telling you what to buy.

You can move products from one area to another using Shopify POS or your Shopify admin. With Stocky POS, you can create and manage purchase orders from the same place. Improve the way you talk to your suppliers and vendors and know what’s coming in and when.



⛩ ConnectRetail 🚦 4.5 (70)
💰 Start from $19/month

ConnectPOS is one of the most popular cloud-based Shopify POS apps around the world, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SME). This is because it has a wide range of advanced features and prices.

By syncing all the data between online and brick-and-mortar stores in real-time, this technology lets you keep a close eye on every change in the sales process. Also, all inventory information is regularly updated and sent to cashiers in a clear way. This makes sure that buying across all channels goes smoothly.



⛩ Ordersify 🚦 2.8 (14)
💰 Start from $$8.99/month

Ordersify: POS Draft Orders make it easy for us to put together a professional shipment. Draft orders, which include things like pre-orders, orders from outside channels, and so on, play a big part in Shopify. You can easily manage your drafting orders directly from POS devices. You can search for drafted orders, check all information, and add document requests to the cart. You can also connect to a Shopify pre-order app to easily manage pre-orders and payments.

Erply POS Integration

Erply POS Integration

⛩ Point of Sale Inc 🚦 3.2 (9)
💰 Gratuit | A partir de $49/mois

Erply is the point-of-sale framework that can be changed the most. It is an easy-to-use POS that works with the devices you already use. It can be used online or offline, so you can focus on what’s important to you. The Erply POS software lets you manage your items, prices, and deals across all of your businesses in real time.



⛩ vendhq 🚦 Nul
💰 Start from $99

Vend is a cloud-based POS system for all sizes of Shopify stores. Vend has all of the standard features of a retail POS as well as some unique ones. Vend is well-known for having features like advanced inventory management and easy-to-use operations.

The first thing we should talk about is how well Vend manages its inventory. Vend has a lot of features, such as information about suppliers, stock levels, sales history, and product information. Vend is smart because it lets users use these inventory features on different sales channels, both online and off.

Nous savons qu'il peut être difficile de choisir la bonne application Shopify. Voici les meilleures applications Shopify que nous avons trouvées au cours de nos recherches, et nous espérons sincèrement que l'une d'entre elles conviendra à votre boutique.

Si vous pensez qu'il existe une excellente application digne de figurer dans cette liste, envoyez un courriel à notre équipe à l'adresse suivante aide @ thrivedesk(dot)com. D'ici là, bonne croissance !

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